, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Friday is the balance of week, Ramadan is the balance of the year and Hajj is the balance of the life.

Friday is the balance of week, Ramadan is the balance of the year and Hajj is the balance of the life.

Abu Huraira: I heard ALLAH's Messenger (PBUH) saying, " We ( Muslim) are the last (To come) but (will be) the foremost on the Day of Resurrection though the former nations were given the Holy Scriptures before us. And this was their day (Friday) the celebration of which was made compulsory for them but they differed about it. So ALLAH gave us the guidance for it (Friday) and all the other people are behind us in this  respect: the jews' (holy day is) tomorrow (i.e. Saturday) and the Christians' (is) the day after tomorrow (i.e.Sunday)."  Jami`at-Tirmidhi 682 Hadith 1 Abu Hurairah narrated that: the Messenger of ALLAH said:"One the first night of the  month of Ramadan, the Shayatin are shackled, the jinns are restrained, the gates of the Fires are shut such that no gate among would be opened. The gate of Paradise are opened such that no gate among then would be closed, and a caller: 'O seeker of the good; come near!' and 'O seeker of evil; stop! for there are those whom ALLAH frees from the Fire.'And that is every night."    Sahih al-Bukhari 1516 Hadith 4 The Prophet ( PBUH) sent my brother.'Abdur Rahman with me to Tan'im for the 'Umra. and he made me ride on the packsaddle (of a camel). 'Umar said, "Be ready to travek for Hajj as it (Hajj) is  one of the two kind of Jihad."

Friday is the balance of week, Ramadan is the balance of the year and Hajj is the balance of the life.
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

Abu Huraira:
I heard ALLAH's Messenger (PBUH) saying, " We ( Muslim)
are the last (To come) but (will be) the foremost on the Day of Resurrection though the former nations were given the Holy Scriptures before us. And this was their day (Friday)
the celebration of which was made compulsory for them but they differed about it. So ALLAH gave us the guidance for it (Friday) and all the other people are behind us in this 
respect: the jews' (holy day is) tomorrow (i.e. Saturday)
and the Christians' (is) the day after tomorrow (i.e.Sunday)."

Jami`at-Tirmidhi 682
Hadith 1
Abu Hurairah narrated that:
the Messenger of ALLAH said:"One the first night of the 
month of Ramadan, the Shayatin are shackled, the jinns are restrained, the gates of the Fires are shut such that no gate among would be opened.
The gate of Paradise are opened such that no gate among then would be closed, and a caller:
'O seeker of the good; come near!' and 'O seeker of evil; stop!
for there are those whom ALLAH frees from the Fire.'And
that is every night." 

Sahih al-Bukhari 1516
Hadith 4
The Prophet ( PBUH) sent my brother.'Abdur Rahman with me to Tan'im for the 'Umra. and he made me ride on the packsaddle (of a camel).
'Umar said, "Be ready to travek for Hajj as it (Hajj) is 
one of the two kind of Jihad."