Emulating the attributes of Allah. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. If a person loves an attribute of Allah, then this will help him to reach Him. Allah is as-Sabur, THE PATIENT, and there is none that is more patient and forbearing than Him. It was reported that Allah revealed to Daawuud (Alaihi salaam), “ Have my attributes, as one of My attributes is that I am Sabur (patient).” Allah loves His attributes and characteristics, and He loves to see the effects of His attributes on His slaves. As He is beautiful, so He loves beauty; as He is all-forgiving, He loves forgiveness; as He is generous, He loves generosity; as He is all-knowing, HE loves people of knowledge; as He is strong and powerful, so a strong believer is more beloved to Him than a weaker one; as He is Sabur (patient), so he loves those who have patience; as He is shakur (grateful), so He loves those who give thanks. As He loves those who have His characteristics, so He is with them, and this is ...