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Showing posts with label ALHAMDULILLAH Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALHAMDULILLAH Quotes. Show all posts


 People remember our bad deeds and forget the good we've done, but the Almighty remembers our good deeds and forgives the bad we've done.Alhamdulillah.



for always giving me what i needed

instead of what i want.

When you sit with your Mom dad brother and sister, say Alhamdulillah, because some people yearn for this moment.


جب آپ اپنے ماں باپ بھائی اور بہن کے ساتھ بیٹھتے ہیں تو

الحمد اللہ کہو ، کیونکہ کچھ لوگ اس لمحے کے لئے ترس جاتے ہیں۔

When you sit with your Mom dad brother and sister, say Alhamdulillah, because some people yearn for this moment.

Say ALHAMDULILLAH every moment in your life.


Happiness will never come to those

who fail appreciate the blessings

they already have.


every moment in your life.

Women are better at Love than men.

Women are better at Love than men. 
That's why Allah made them Mothers. 


                                                Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله) 
Meaning all praise and thanks belong to Allah alone because He is the originator of everything. To praise or thank something is indirectly praising and thanking Allah because He is its true Creator. Usually translated as Praise be to Allah