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He’s the only One who can turn your life around.

  Don’t stress over things you can’t control. Hand it over to the Almighty. There’s no need to spend sleepless nights thinking about your problems. It’ll get you nowhere. He can easily take care of things if only you’d trust Him. He’s the only One who can turn your life around.

Try it. You’ll feel good.

‪ Search your own heart. Could it be that your suspicion of the ulterior motives of others is because you’re prone to doing the same? Increase the habit of praising others & let thankfulness overflow to the Almighty when someone does something good to you. Try it. You’ll feel good.  

People will hurt you without a doubt. When that happens, don't take that hurt and confide in others. Use it to get closer to the Almighty. Confide in Him. Let Him heal you and deal with the culprits.

  Learn to say no without explaining yourself. Set boundaries. Busy days and nights are ahead with Ramadan almost with us. And don’t do things just to please people. It doesn’t pay at all. Focus on your Creator.

Almighty. As we approach #Ramadan

  Almighty. As we approach #Ramadan we ask You to heal the broken and those who are ill, grant hope to the ones in despair, comfort the lonely and provide food for the hungry. Above all, we beseech You to let peace reign in the world and in our hearts. Aameen.

If you live your life making decisions based on what others will think of you,

  If you live your life making decisions based on what others will think of you, it’s time for a rethink. Where does the Almighty figure in your equation? Get your priorities right.

You’re All Able and Capable.

  Almighty. Forgive us for the times we were quick to become discouraged or depressed; thinking there was no way out when facing a problem. We forget how You’ve never let us down. No matter what comes our way, we’ll put our trust in You. You’re All Able and Capable.

Remember, you’ll be remembered for what you do; not what you say you'll do.

  Don't give false hopes and make empty promises, knowing you won't keep them. That is wrong. Remember, you’ll be remembered for what you do; not what you say you'll do.

Life can be hard to understand at times.

  Life can be hard to understand at times. No matter how good you are to them, don’t expect them to treat you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the ones you can trust the least.

Thank You for Your continuous protection and guidance.

 Almighty. We thank You for seeing us through all the difficult times and never leaving us. Thank You for Your continuous protection and guidance. Thank You for blessing us more than we deserved. Ameen

Don’t let this world & the false sense of security it offers fool you.

  Don’t let this world & the false sense of security it offers fool you. Think of death often. No one can escape it. When it finally comes, we’ll realize how wrong we had been about this world. So don’t fall for this deception. Prepare for the Hereafter before it’s too late.

Don't allow the negativity of the world to depress you.

  Don't allow the negativity of the world to depress you. Don’t allow anyone to tell you there’s no hope. Don't let your burdens drown you. Start focussing on the blessings in your life, no matter how small you think they are.

Ask the Almighty to purify our hearts and keep us sincere.

  Ask the Almighty to purify our hearts and keep us sincere. Try to do things privately. Actions done in front of others are more prone to being insincere. In fact, we are told to hide our good deeds as we would hide our sins.

People come and go in life.

  People come and go in life. Only Allah decides who stays and who goes. Don't lose focus when things don't work out. You won't be sad when people go if you place your hopes in Him.

‪Be wary of the heart that has become hard. Keep repenting. Move closer to the Almighty. Cry out of fear for the sins you have committed. The Most Merciful is always there waiting to forgive. ‬

  ‪Be wary of the heart that has become hard. Keep repenting. Move closer to the Almighty. Cry out of fear for the sins you have committed. The Most Merciful is always there waiting to forgive. ‬

The Almighty is the Best Planner.

  There are people who get distressed when good things come your way. But if harm strikes you, they rejoice. Be patient with them. Their plot will not harm you. The Almighty is the Best Planner.

He won’t leave you disappointed.

  Disappointment is part of life. ‬If you put your hope in situations or people, you’re likely to be let down. Put your hope in the Almighty. He won’t leave you disappointed.

Almighty. ‬I trust You through my pain, my suffering,

  Almighty. ‬I trust You through my pain, my suffering, my heartache, my sadness, my confusion, my heedlessness. I know Your Mercy overpowers Your Wrath. That’s why I never lose hope, despite my sins and my transgressions, I trust You. I thank You for everything.

He will heal you.

  When you’re at your lowest, that’s when you’re most likely to turn to the Almighty to heal you because no one else can. So be thankful when someone hurts you & shakes you to the core. Cry out to the Almighty sincerely & He will heal you.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re a failure.

  Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re a failure. As long as you’re taking steps to better yourself daily with the help of the Almighty, nothing can stop you from making progress. Keep going, you’ll get there one day.