Allahumma inni as'aluka 'Ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan O Allah, I ask you for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision and deeds that will be accepted. [Ibn Majah and others] The Prophet (pbuh) read this dua after Fajr Salah. In this dua, we ask Allah for three things; knowledge that is beneficial deeds that will be accepted provision that is pure O Allah, Indeed I ask you (for) knowledge (which is) beneficial As students of Quran, we continuously struggle to gain knowledge, revising for long hours, juggling house duties, shopping, cleaning, travelling to classes, the sacrifice of our time including the inner battle with our nafs. After all this struggle, what we want is knowledge that will be beneficial to our lives. It would be a waste of time, energy and effort if, after all the studying and long hours it does not benefit us. There are some who do not benefit. This could be someone who studies just for the sake of it...