, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Love Allah
Showing posts with label Love Allah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Allah. Show all posts




O Turner of the heartmake my heart

firm upon your deen.

We are all human, and we’ll make mistakes.


We are all human, and we’ll make mistakes. It is natural and you should not let it deter you from doing the right thing. Keep trying, put in your best effort, pray to Allah, and you will succeed.

Cry to ALLAH

Sad? Talk to ALLAH 
Happy?  Praise to ALLAH
Problem? Ask to ALLAH
Depressed? Cry to ALLAH 

YA ALLAH ! If I am to fall in love, let me touch the heart of someone whose heart is attached to you. Aameen.


If I am to fall in love, let me touch the heart of someone whose heart is attached to you. Aameen.

Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein.


When You can't put your prayers into words, 

ALLAH [SWT] hears your heart.

I seek forgiveness to Allah and repent towards Him.


astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih

I seek forgiveness to Allah and repent towards Him.


 Oh ALLAh,

if you see me getting farther away from you, return me to you in a beautiful way.

Oh Allah fix my heart, remove all sadness & anxiety, only you can heal & mend my broken heart. AMEEN


You alone know what is buried between my chest,

You alone know what is in my heart, You alone know how I really feel.

Ya ALLAH [SWT] ease my pain and heal me


ALLAH [SWT] knows what is the best for you.

Be patient, for only He knows when is the right time for everything. Everything happens by the will of Allah. Whatever He wills happens, and whatever he does not will does not happen. Allah’s plan for you is important to the world because Allah created nothing in vain. Look at His creation. Everything has a purpose: from the sun that heats our world to the bacteria that consume waste. Fulfilling Allah’s plan for us requires that we silence the voice of our own desire, open ourselves to Allah, and look within with total sincerity. This takes courage, patience and determination. But it is the path to Jannah, IN SHA ALLAH.


ALLAH [SWT] alone can fix your heartbreaks & problems.