, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Love ALLAH more. Happiness is praying on time.

Love ALLAH more. Happiness is praying on time.

Love ALLAH more  Happiness is praying on time.  Ibn Umar (r.a.) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) stated the following: “The place of prayer (salah) in religion is like the place of the head in the body.” (Majmau’l-Awsat, 3:154, (2313.) Imam Tabarani, Mu’jamu’s-Saghir)  Abu’d-Darda (r.a) stated the following: “My friend Muhammad (pbuh) gave me the following advice. Even if you are chopped up and burnt, do not associate partners with Allah and do not miss your fard prayers deliberately. Allah will move His protection away from a person who misses his fard prayers deliberately.” (Musnad: 5/238, Al-Bani Sahih Ibn Majah: 3529, Bayhaqi)  The following is reported from Abdullah bin Qurt (May Allah be pleased with him): The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “On the Day of Judgment, a slave will be questioned about his prayers first. If his prayers are good, his other deeds will be good, too. If his prayers are bad, his other deeds will be bad, too.” (Tabarani, Targhib)  he following is reported from Hz. Nawfal bin Muawiya (r.a.):  “A person who does not perform a prayer on time is like someone whose family and property were removed.” Ibn Hibban  O he who feels very sorry for very small things that he loses in the world! You lose so much when you miss prayers!   In a hadith reported by Abdul­lah b. Umar (r.a.), the Prophet (pbuh) says, “A person who misses the afternoon prayer is like a person whose family and property have been destroyed.” (Jamiu’l Ahadith)

Love ALLAH more
 Happiness is praying on time.

Ibn Umar (r.a.) narrates: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) stated the following: “The place of prayer (salah) in religion is like the place of the head in the body.” (Majmau’l-Awsat, 3:154, (2313.) Imam Tabarani, Mu’jamu’s-Saghir)
Abu’d-Darda (r.a) stated the following: “My friend Muhammad (pbuh) gave me the following advice. Even if you are chopped up and burnt, do not associate partners with Allah and do not miss your fard prayers deliberately. Allah will move His protection away from a person who misses his fard prayers deliberately.” (Musnad: 5/238, Al-Bani Sahih Ibn Majah: 3529, Bayhaqi)
The following is reported from Abdullah bin Qurt (May Allah be pleased with him): The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “On the Day of Judgment, a slave will be questioned about his prayers first. If his prayers are good, his other deeds will be good, too. If his prayers are bad, his other deeds will be bad, too.” (Tabarani, Targhib)
he following is reported from Hz. Nawfal bin Muawiya (r.a.):  “A person who does not perform a prayer on time is like someone whose family and property were removed.” Ibn Hibban
O he who feels very sorry for very small things that he loses in the world! You lose so much when you miss prayers! 
In a hadith reported by Abdul­lah b. Umar (r.a.), the Prophet (pbuh) says, “A person who misses the afternoon prayer is like a person whose family and property have been destroyed.” (Jamiu’l Ahadith)