, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: ALLAH is with you.

ALLAH is with you.

Dear Lost!  "Allah Is With You!   When you're lost not knowing what to do or where to go or whom to ask, but have you ever thought that you have a God to pray to?  Or a Listener that can hear your problems?  His Name is "Al-Rahman,  Al-Raheem, Al-Wudud, Al-Aleem, Al-Khabeer, Al-Wali, Al-Hafez, An-Nasser, As-Sami", and The Best Listener ever,  isn't that enough?  aren't you blessed? isn't it enough that Islam is your religion and Allah is your Lord?   Allah doesn't just listen, He actually solves. Allah doesn't just solve, but He rewards. Allah doesn't just reward, but He actually teaches you how to deal with life, how to let go and depend on Him and then yourself. Allah wants you to have faith in Him because the more the faith the sooner the solution.  When pains and sadness fill your heart and tears flow in your eyes. Remember this. Allah is with you, still with you and always with you.   Allah the Exalted says.  "Your Lord never abandoned you, nor did He forget you." (Al-Qur'an 93:3).

Dear Lost!  "Allah Is With You! 

When you're lost not knowing what to do or where to go or whom to ask, but have you ever thought that you have a God to pray to?  Or a Listener that can hear your problems?  His Name is "Al-Rahman,  Al-Raheem, Al-Wudud, Al-Aleem, Al-Khabeer, Al-Wali, Al-Hafez, An-Nasser, As-Sami", and The Best Listener ever,  isn't that enough?  aren't you blessed? isn't it enough that Islam is your religion and Allah is your Lord? 

Allah doesn't just listen, He actually solves. Allah doesn't just solve, but He rewards. Allah doesn't just reward, but He actually teaches you how to deal with life, how to let go and depend on Him and then yourself. Allah wants you to have faith in Him because the more the faith the sooner the solution.

When pains and sadness fill your heart and tears flow in your eyes. Remember this. Allah is with you, still with you and always with you. 

Allah the Exalted says. 
"Your Lord never abandoned you, nor did He forget you." (Al-Qur'an 93:3).