, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Give it up for the sake of Allah (SWT)

Give it up for the sake of Allah (SWT)

Give it up for the sake of Allah swt, and you'll be rewarded inshaAllah. Think about it, can't you just give that little bad habit up for Allah swt? Are you making the issue bigger than it is?  I don't want to give example, because the bad habits are all individual.. You know which issue you have to stop, or give up.. Do it today, do it for Allah swt. For He who has given you everything! Do it, so you get ajr, because ajr is the only thing you're taking with you after death. Soo, lets change today. Lets give up that bad habit, for Allah swt, and see how easy He makes it for us.. Are you with me?

Give it up for the sake of Allah swt, and you'll be rewarded inshaAllah. Think about it, can't you just give that little bad habit up for Allah swt? Are you making the issue bigger than it is? 
I don't want to give example, because the bad habits are all individual.. You know which issue you have to stop, or give up.. Do it today, do it for Allah swt. For He who has given you everything! Do it, so you get ajr, because ajr is the only thing you're taking with you after death.
Soo, lets change today. Lets give up that bad habit, for Allah swt, and see how easy He makes it for us.. Are you with me?