, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Jannah is perfumed for Ramadaan

Jannah is perfumed for Ramadaan

Jannah is perfumed for Ramadaan.It is beautified from the beginning to the end of the yr. When the 1st night of Ramadaan comes , then a wind named Mutheera blows beneath the Arsh. This causes the leaves of the trees & the door handles to give of such a melodious as had never been heard before. The pleasing dark eyed damsels stand between the balconies of Jannah & call out " O Ridwaan (keeper of Jannah) What night is this ?" He replies " Labbaik this  is the first night of Ramadan . The doors of Jannah have been opened for the ummah of Nabi  ﷺ today.  ‎الله says to Ridwaan, " O Ridwaan Open the doors of Jannah & O Maalik (doorkeeper of Jahannum) close the doors of Jahannum for those who fast from the ummah of Ahmed ﷺ

Jannah is perfumed for Ramadaan.It is beautified from the beginning to the end of the yr. When the 1st night of Ramadaan comes , then a wind named Mutheera blows beneath the Arsh. This causes the leaves of the trees & the door handles to give of such a melodious as had never been heard before. The pleasing dark eyed damsels stand between the balconies of Jannah & call out " O Ridwaan (keeper of Jannah) What night is this ?" He replies " Labbaik this  is the first night of Ramadan . The doors of Jannah have been opened for the ummah of Nabi (saw) today.

‎الله says to Ridwaan, " O Ridwaan Open the doors of Jannah & O Maalik (doorkeeper of Jahannum) close the doors of Jahannum for those who fast from the ummah of Ahmed "