Jannah is perfumed for Ramadaan.It is beautified from the beginning to the end of the yr. When the 1st night of Ramadaan comes , then a wind named Mutheera blows beneath the Arsh. This causes the leaves of the trees & the door handles to give of such a melodious as had never been heard before. The pleasing dark eyed damsels stand between the balconies of Jannah & call out " O Ridwaan (keeper of Jannah) What night is this ?" He replies " Labbaik this is the first night of Ramadan . The doors of Jannah have been opened for the ummah of Nabi (saw) today.
الله says to Ridwaan, " O Ridwaan Open the doors of Jannah & O Maalik (doorkeeper of Jahannum) close the doors of Jahannum for those who fast from the ummah of Ahmed "