, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: O ALLAH, You are most Forgiving, and you love forgiveness; so forgive me.

O ALLAH, You are most Forgiving, and you love forgiveness; so forgive me.

The prophet peace be upon him said that we should say this duaa during Laylatul Qadr. Yet we don't know exactly when Laylatul Qadr is, only that it's in the last ten nights. So let's make it a habit to keep saying this duaa in the last ten nights.  Tag someone to share it with!

The prophet peace be upon him said that we should say this duaa during Laylatul Qadr. Yet we don't know exactly when Laylatul Qadr is, only that it's in the last ten nights. So let's make it a habit to keep saying this duaa 
in the last ten nights.