, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: O my people! The life of this world is nothing but (a few day's) gain, and the Hereafter is certainly a home to live in forever. -Quran [40:39]

O my people! The life of this world is nothing but (a few day's) gain, and the Hereafter is certainly a home to live in forever. -Quran [40:39]

O my people! The life of this world is nothing but (a few day's) gain, and the Hereafter is certainly a home to live in forever. -Quran [40:39]

O my people! 
The life of this world is nothing but (a few day's) gain,
 and the Hereafter is certainly a home to live in forever. 
-Quran [40:39]