, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: ALLAH said in Quran, I will be with those who have patience.

ALLAH said in Quran, I will be with those who have patience.

May be the journey of this Worldly life not easier as you think...But never give up the hope...Know that Allah SWT test us with many things, this worldly life is not permant place for us...So let's work hard for our final destination in Jannah...remember jannah is for those who repent, & those who work hard for the sake of Allah...Jannah is out final destination In Sha Allah

May be the journey of this Worldly life not easier as you think...But never give up the hope...Know that Allah SWT test us with many things, this worldly life is not permant place for us...So let's work hard for our final destination in Jannah...remember jannah is for those who repent, & those who work hard for the sake of Allah...Jannah is out final destination In Sha Allah