, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: ALLAH said, There will be that which no eyes has seen no ears has heard no human heart can imagine. (JANNAH)

ALLAH said, There will be that which no eyes has seen no ears has heard no human heart can imagine. (JANNAH)

Jannah is a place No eyes has ever seen Jannah is a place no ears has ever hard Jannah is a place Nobody has ever imagine Jannah is the place where no wars nor fight but only Peace Jannah is the place where is Love but no separation Jannah is a place for which I pray for you Jannah is a place where I want to be with you ( In Sha Allah )  So lets strive & work hard for jannah, this duniya is temporary but jannah is permanent..Jannah is our final Destination..In Sha Allah . . . . . Rabiya Muslimah

Jannah is a place No eyes has ever seen
Jannah is a place no ears has ever hard
Jannah is a place Nobody has ever imagine
Jannah is the place where no wars nor fight but only Peace
Jannah is the place where is Love but no separation
Jannah is a place for which I pray for you
Jannah is a place where I want to be with you ( In Sha Allah )

So lets strive & work hard for jannah, this duniya is temporary but jannah is permanent..Jannah is our final Destination..In Sha Allah

Rabiya Muslimah