, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: When Maryam (Mary) was reproached by people for committing a sin, she pointed towards the baby who spoke that he was appointed as a prophet by Allah (Quran 19: 30-33).

When Maryam (Mary) was reproached by people for committing a sin, she pointed towards the baby who spoke that he was appointed as a prophet by Allah (Quran 19: 30-33).

When Maryam (Mary) was reproached by people for committing a sin, she pointed towards the baby who spoke that he was appointed as a prophet by Allah (Quran 19: 30-33).

When Maryam (Mary) was reproached by people for committing a sin, she pointed towards the baby who spoke that he was appointed as a prophet by Allah (Quran 19: 30-33).