, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: “Every soul shall taste death.”Qur’an 29:57

“Every soul shall taste death.”Qur’an 29:57

“Every soul shall taste death.”Qur’an 29:57 “Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” Qur’an 4:78 Death is the reality from which none can escape. It draws nearer every day; every hour; every minute. According to the CIA’s The World Factbook 2007, almost two people die each second. That’s a staggering 57.9 million people each year! Every single being will reach this inescapable fate, regardless of their age, health, background, social status or piety. Where are the past kings, the billionaires and the powerful? Where are the once beautiful, the famous, and the intellectual elite?  Allah  has informed us in the Qur’an that He has created us with the purpose of worshipping Him alone and that He made this life a test to see who will fulfil that purpose:  “And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” Qur’an 51:56  Allah has also informed us the purpose behind the creation of death and life:  “Allah is He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed.” Qur’an 67:2  #DUAA#   اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالرَّفِيقِ الأَعْلَى  Translation  O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me and unite me with the [highest] companions.

“Every soul shall taste death.”Qur’an 29:57
“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” Qur’an 4:78
Death is the reality from which none can escape. It draws nearer every day; every hour; every minute. According to the CIA’s The World Factbook 2007, almost two people die each second. That’s a staggering 57.9 million people each year! Every single being will reach this inescapable fate, regardless of their age, health, background, social status or piety. Where are the past kings, the billionaires and the powerful? Where are the once beautiful, the famous, and the intellectual elite?

Allah  has informed us in the Qur’an that He has created us with the purpose of worshipping Him alone and that He made this life a test to see who will fulfil that purpose:

“And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” Qur’an 51:56

Allah has also informed us the purpose behind the creation of death and life:

“Allah is He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed.” Qur’an 67:2


اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالرَّفِيقِ الأَعْلَى


O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me and unite me with the [highest] companions.