, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: HOW PATIENCE CAN WE BE?


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.   Let's continue from the first Reminder.  1. Patience for the sake of Allah, hoping for His rewards and fearing His punishment. 2. Patience by the help of Allah, as man realizes that he has no patience himself, and has no power to acquire patience. Rather, he knows: “there is no power and no strength except by (the help of) Allah.” 3. Patience in accepting the decree of Allah, as man realizes that Allah is the only one Who is controlling the affairs of the universe, so he will patiently accept the ruling and decree of Allah, regardless of what it may mean for him in the way of ease or hardship.  Patience is a half of eeman. Eeman is in two halves: half is patience (sabr) and half is gratitude (shukr). Therefore Allah has mentioned patience and gratitude alongside one another: “... Verily in this are signs for all who constantly persevere and give thanks” (Ibrahim 14: 5; Luqman 31:31; Saba 34: 19; ash-Shura 42: 33). The reasons why one half of eeman is patience and the other half is gratitude are as follows: Eeman is a term which covers words, deeds and intentions, all of which are based on one of two things, action or abstinence. Action refers to performing a deed in accordance with the instructions of Allah, which is the reality of gratitude. Abstinence, as in refraining from wrong action, requires patience. The whole of religion is embodied in these two things: carrying out that which Allah has commanded, and refraining from that which Allah has prohibited. Eeman is based on two pillars, yaqin (conviction) and patience, which are referred to in the following ayah: “And ALLAH appointed, from among them, leaders, giving guidance under Allah's command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued to have faith in Allah's Signs” (As-Sajdah 32: 24). It is through faith that we know the reality of Allah’s commands and prohibitions, of reward and punishment, and it is through patience that we carry out His instructions and abstain from that which He has prohibited. Man is constantly being pulled in two opposing directions: should he respond to the lure of this world of desires and pleasures, or should he answer the call of Allah and the hereafter, with the eternal Paradise that Allah has prepared for His friend (Wali)? Going against the call of whims and desires is patience, and responding to the call of Allah and the hereafter is gratitude. Alhamdulillah. To be continued in Shaa Allah. May Allah aid us to apply to our ways of life as we learn along. Aameen.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 

Let's continue from the first Reminder. 
1. Patience for the sake of Allah, hoping for His rewards and fearing His punishment.
2. Patience by the help of Allah, as man realizes that he has no patience himself, and has no power to acquire patience. Rather, he knows: “there is no power and no strength except by (the help of) Allah.”
3. Patience in accepting the decree of Allah, as man realizes that Allah is the only one Who is controlling the affairs of the universe, so he will patiently accept the ruling and decree of Allah, regardless of what it may mean for him in the way of ease or hardship.

Patience is a half of eeman. Eeman is in two halves: half is patience (sabr) and half is gratitude (shukr). Therefore Allah has mentioned patience and gratitude alongside one another: “... Verily in this are signs for all who constantly persevere and give thanks” (Ibrahim 14: 5; Luqman 31:31; Saba 34: 19; ash-Shura 42: 33). The reasons why one half of eeman is patience and the other half is gratitude are as follows: Eeman is a term which covers words, deeds and intentions, all of which are based on one of two things, action or abstinence. Action refers to performing a deed in accordance with the instructions of Allah, which is the reality of gratitude. Abstinence, as in refraining from wrong action, requires patience. The whole of religion is embodied in these two things: carrying out that which Allah has commanded, and refraining from that which Allah has prohibited. Eeman is based on two pillars, yaqin (conviction) and patience, which are referred to in the following ayah: “And ALLAH appointed, from among them, leaders, giving guidance under Allah's command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued to have faith in Allah's Signs” (As-Sajdah 32: 24). It is through faith that we know the reality of Allah’s commands and prohibitions, of reward and punishment, and it is through patience that we carry out His instructions and abstain from that which He has prohibited. Man is constantly being pulled in two opposing directions: should he respond to the lure of this world of desires and pleasures, or should he answer the call of Allah and the hereafter, with the eternal Paradise that Allah has prepared for His friend (Wali)? Going against the call of whims and desires is patience, and responding to the call of Allah and the hereafter is gratitude. Alhamdulillah. To be continued in Shaa Allah. May Allah aid us to apply to our ways of life as we learn along. Aameen.