, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: May Allah aid our efforts to be patient in any situation we find ourselves.

May Allah aid our efforts to be patient in any situation we find ourselves.

 Emulating the attributes of Allah.  Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.   If a person loves an attribute of Allah, then this will help him to reach Him. Allah is as-Sabur, THE PATIENT, and there is none that is more patient and forbearing than Him. It was reported that Allah revealed to Daawuud (Alaihi salaam), “ Have my attributes, as one of My attributes is that I am Sabur (patient).” Allah loves His attributes and characteristics, and He loves to see the effects of His attributes on His slaves. As He is beautiful, so He loves beauty; as He is all-forgiving, He loves forgiveness; as He is generous, He loves generosity; as He is all-knowing, HE loves people of knowledge; as He is strong and powerful, so a strong believer is more beloved to Him than a weaker one; as He is Sabur (patient), so he loves those who have patience; as He is shakur (grateful), so He loves those who give thanks. As He loves those who have His characteristics, so He is with them, and this is a special and unique type of companionship.  Sickness is evil but if we remain patient it is something good because our sins are being wiped. Abu Huraira related that the Prophet (Pbuh) said, ‘for any trouble, illness, worry, grief hurt, or sorrow which afflicts a Muslim, even the prick of a thorn, Allah removes in its stead some of his (minor) sins”(Bukhari, Muslim) So if this person remains patient then its something good but if he is not patient then it becomes evil. May Allah aid our efforts to be patient in any situation we find ourselves. Aameen.

 Emulating the attributes of Allah. 
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. 

If a person loves an attribute of Allah, then this will help him to reach Him. Allah is as-Sabur, THE PATIENT, and there is none that is more patient and forbearing than Him. It was reported that Allah revealed to Daawuud (Alaihi salaam), “ Have my attributes, as one of My attributes is that I am Sabur (patient).” Allah loves His attributes and characteristics, and He loves to see the effects of His attributes on His slaves. As He is beautiful, so He loves beauty; as He is all-forgiving, He loves forgiveness; as He is generous, He loves generosity; as He is all-knowing, HE loves people of knowledge; as He is strong and powerful, so a strong believer is more beloved to Him than a weaker one; as He is Sabur (patient), so he loves those who have patience; as He is shakur (grateful), so He loves those who give thanks. As He loves those who have His characteristics, so He is with them, and this is a special and unique type of companionship.

Sickness is evil but if we remain patient it is something good because our sins are being wiped. Abu Huraira related that the Prophet (Pbuh) said, ‘for any trouble, illness, worry, grief hurt, or sorrow which afflicts a Muslim, even the prick of a thorn, Allah removes in its stead some of his (minor) sins”(Bukhari, Muslim) So if this person remains patient then its something good but if he is not patient then it becomes evil. May Allah aid our efforts to be patient in any situation we find ourselves. Aameen.