, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Verily the invocation of you both is accepted

Verily the invocation of you both is accepted

Musa (Alyhi Alsalaam) made duaa on Feroun.  Haroun (Alyhi Alsalaam) said Ameen.  ALLAH (Subhanu Watala) said  Verily the invocation of you both is accepted 1089  Some ulama said it took 40 years to be answered.  Lesson learned If it took the supplication of Messengers 40 years to be answered, never despair.  ~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Musa (Alyhi Alsalaam) made duaa on Feroun.

Haroun (Alyhi Alsalaam) said Ameen.

ALLAH (Subhanu Watala) said

Verily the invocation of you both is accepted 1089

Some ulama said it took 40 years to be answered.

Lesson learned If it took the supplication of Messengers 40 years to be answered, never despair.

~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله