, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: -Qur'an [54:22]

-Qur'an [54:22]

And we have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember... -Qur'an [54:22]


ALLAH, The Exalted has informed The Mankind thus:
“Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth;” [2:213 – Yusuf Ali]

1. ALLAH, The Exalted, Revealed and Sent, The QURAN, In Truth

“We have revealed the Quran with the truth, and with the truth it has come down.” [17:105 – Wahiduddin]

“We have sent down the Qur´an with the Truth, and it is with the Truth that it has descended.” [17:105 – Maududi]

2. ALLAH, The Exalted has Commanded the mankind, thus:

“O you who have attained to faith! Hold fast unto your belief in God and His Apostle, and in the divine writ which He has bestowed from on high upon His Apostle, step by step, as well as in the revelation which He sent down aforetime: for he who denies God, and His angels, and His revelations, and His apostles, and the Last Day, has indeed gone far astray.” [Quran - 4:136 - Asad]

3. ALLAH’S Unique Revelation – The QURAN

Inscribed in a Tablet Preserved [85:22]
Protected against corruption [15:9]
Easy to Remember (Memorise) [54:17]

4. ALLAH’S Imperishable Revelation

If all the Copies of the Text of The Quran, all Tapes, CDs, Hard Drives or any other means for preserving Texts, known to man, containing the Quranic Text were destroyed, ALLAH’S Quran will still be with mankind. By ALLAH’S Mercy, ALLAH’S Guidance will continue to be Transmitted, Understood, Embraced and Practiced, as has been done, for more than 1400 years, via Oral Transmissions. [2]

5. QURAN speaks about itself to mankind, thus:

“And indeed (by revealing it through human language) We have made the Quran easy for remembrance (of God, and taking heed), then is there any that remembers and takes heed?” [54:17 – Ali Unal: Repeated and Reiterated in following Verses 54:22; 32; 40]

“Will they not, then, ponder over this Quran? - or are there locks upon their hearts?
[47:24 – Asad]

“This Quran, assuredly, guides to that which is most upright and gives to the believers, who do righteous deeds, the glad tidings that there awaits them a great reward,” 
[17:9 – Amatul Rahman Omar]

“All praise belongs to Allah, who has sent down the Book to His servant and did not let any crookedness be in it,” [18:1 – Ali Quli Qara’i]

“Do they not, then, ponder about the Quran? Had it been from someone other than Allah, they would have found in it a great deal of discrepancy.” [4:82 – Taqi Usmani]

“Indeed We have explained in this Quran every subject in various ways for the benefit of the people, but out of all creation, man is most disputing.”
[18:54 – Taqi Usmani]