, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Be good even if you don't receive good because ALLAH (SWT) loves the good doers .

Be good even if you don't receive good because ALLAH (SWT) loves the good doers .

Do Good to Others, Even if you don't receive good from them, but do it for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of others,...Indeed Allah will reward those who do good deeds & do good for others...No matter if they are your enemies, take revenge by doing good for them & by helping them when they are in need....Remember our Prophet Mohammad PBUH always use to forgives his enemies, When they torture him,..gave more pain & struggle,but yet Prophet Mohammed PBUH forgive them..Always remember,  Forgive Others perhaps Allah forgives you..& do good to others, surely Allah will do good for you..In Sha Allah

Do Good to Others,
Even if you don't receive good from them, but do it for the sake of
Allah, not for the sake of others,...Indeed Allah will reward those who do good deeds & do good for others...No matter if they are your enemies, take revenge by doing good for them & by helping them when they are in need....Remember our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) always use to forgives his enemies, When they torture him,..gave more pain & struggle,but yet Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) forgive them..Always remember,
Forgive Others perhaps
Allah forgives you..& do good to others, surely Allah will do good for you..In Sha Allah