, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Let's be patient with the problems we have and be thankful to ALLAH (SWT).

Let's be patient with the problems we have and be thankful to ALLAH (SWT).

Be Patient with the problems you are going through, know that Allah is with you never lose hope...& Be thankful for the problems you don't have...Allah (SWT) test us with many things, just to make us see our patience towards Allah.  so Be patient everything gonna alright.  In Sha Allah

Be Patient with the problems you are going through, know that Allah is with you never lose hope...& Be thankful for the problems you don't have...Allah (SWT) test us with many things, just to make us see our patience towards Allah.

so Be patient everything gonna alright.

In Sha Allah