, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: SADAKA is not only related to MONEY. Infact these things are also considered as SADAKA

SADAKA is not only related to MONEY. Infact these things are also considered as SADAKA

SADAKA is not only related to MONEY. Infact these things are also considered as SADAKA   1. Dua.   2. Knowledge.   3. Advice.   4. To smile at your Muslim brother.   5. Help.   6. Time.   7. Be happy with your life.   8. Patience over difficult times.   9. To advise for good.   10. To stop from evil.   11. To talk softly.   12. To forgive.   13. To give respect.   14. To be a part of someones happiness.   15. To visit the sick.  16. To remove harmful things from the path.   17. To guide someone on the right way.  Forwarding this is also SADAKA.

SADAKA is not only related to MONEY. Infact these things are also considered as SADAKA
 1. Dua.
 2. Knowledge.
 3. Advice.
 4. To smile at your Muslim brother.
 5. Help.
 6. Time.
 7. Be happy with your life.
 8. Patience over difficult times.
 9. To advise for good.
 10. To stop from evil.
 11. To talk softly.
 12. To forgive.
 13. To give respect.
 14. To be a part of someones happiness.
 15. To visit the sick.
16. To remove harmful things from the path.
 17. To guide someone on the right way.
Forwarding this is also SADAKA.