, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH.


WHAT IS LIFE? Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator, ALLAH by name. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single soul knows that he is existing and that his existence is dependent upon a Creator he knows for sure that he cannot create him self. Therefore it is his duty to know his master, the Creator.    HuMan is a unique creature. ALLAH establishes human as His representative or deputy to govern over all other creatures in this world. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his or her position as Allah's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations. Man is born pure and sinless and is given the choice to do righteous deeds or indulge in sins.    The Creator, out of His abundant Love and Mercy for mankind has not left us in darkness to discover the right path by trial and error alone. Coupled with our intellectual capability to reason, our Creator bestowed upon us DIVINE GUIDANCE that outlines the Criterion for TRUTH, knowledge, as well as the reality of our existence in this world and the Hereafter. Let's live our life as a traveler who is resting under a tree to continue after some time.     TO BE CONTINUED in shaa Allah. May Allah have mercy on us and protect us from any satanic influences. Aameen.

WHAT IS LIFE? Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator, ALLAH by name. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single soul knows that he is existing and that his existence is dependent upon a Creator he knows for sure that he cannot create him self. Therefore it is his duty to know his master, the Creator.

HuMan is a unique creature. ALLAH establishes human as His representative or deputy to govern over all other creatures in this world. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his or her position as Allah's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations. Man is born pure and sinless and is given the choice to do righteous deeds or indulge in sins.

The Creator, out of His abundant Love and Mercy for mankind has not left us in darkness to discover the right path by trial and error alone. Coupled with our intellectual capability to reason, our Creator bestowed upon us DIVINE GUIDANCE that outlines the Criterion for TRUTH, knowledge, as well as the reality of our existence in this world and the Hereafter. Let's live our life as a traveler who is resting under a tree to continue after some time. 

TO BE CONTINUED in shaa Allah. May Allah have mercy on us and protect us from any satanic influences. Aameen.