, pub-3656567260284495, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Islamic Quote: Allah chose you

Allah chose you

"Allah chose you" 
And blessed you with Islam!

You were chosen by Allah . You are the from the ummah of the leader of the worlds. You were given the task of spreading this religion across the east and the west. 

In 2017, you have social media. No one before you was given this opportunity of da'wah. The world is your audience and with one click of a button, you can spread truth across the entire world whilst sitting at home.

But your selfie, yourlips, your looks, your body, your breakfast, your lunch and your dessert is more important right? The day our life rotates around doing serious da'wah  is the day we change this earth.

Ya Allah guide us all to the straight path Allahumma Ameen.